Hours sold vs. hours supervised, what's the difference?

It's simple!

  • Hours sold: the total number of hours purchased by your customers (eg: 10 customers book a 2-hour activity, that's 20 hours sold).

  • Supervised hours: the number of hours actually worked by your teams (e.g.: 10 clients x 2 hours of activity = 2 supervised hours).

Why make a difference?

  • Measuring your profitability:

    • Hours Sold: calculates revenue per hour sold (revenue / number of hours sold).

    • Framed hours: calculates the cost of hours worked by your teams.

  • Compare and Optimize:

    • Compare hours sold and hours framed to obtain your margin rate.

    • Optimize your human and material resources based on your data.

In summary:

  • Hours sold = customer billing

  • Framed hours = distributed time tracking.

Yoplanning.pro helps you track these two key indicators for better management of your business.

Last updated