Customization of the status of orders in


The "Order Status Customization" feature on allows you to create your own status labels to classify and filter your orders according to your specific criteria. Whether you want to organize your orders based on processing status, delivery stage, or any other criteria relevant to your business, this feature gives you unprecedented flexibility.

Steps to use the feature

1. Create a custom status list

  • Access your schedule.

  • Click on "Administration", then select "Configuration".

  • In the "Sales" section, click on "Order Status".

  • Click "Create", enter the name of the new state, then save and repeat this step for each state to add.

Note: An order can only have one status at a time.

2. Assign a status to an order

  • Go to the command list.

  • Click on "Edit" next to the relevant order.

  • In the "Status" field, select the desired status from the drop-down list.

  • Click on "Save" to validate the modification.

3. Filter orders by status

  • In the command list, click on "More filters".

  • Select the state you want to filter on from the drop-down list.

  • Click "Apply" to display only orders matching this status.

Usage tips and best practices

  • Use clear, descriptive status names to make it easier to track and manage orders.

  • Review your status list regularly to ensure it still meets your operational needs.

Common Problems and Solutions

  • Problem: The status assigned to an order does not appear in the list of orders. Solution: Check that you have correctly saved the order status. Refresh your web page completely, especially if you have just created your different statuses.

  • Issue: The filter by status does not have an exact label. Solution: You can edit the labels and change them at will, it will not affect the orders.

By using's "Order Status Customization" feature, you can improve your order management and optimize your workflow. Start customizing your statuses today!

Last updated