Management of pending payment links has an automatic reminder function [(learn more)](../../payment-and-transactions-on-yoplanning/how-to-send-a-payment-link-a which is activated if the payment link has not been settled. However, the responsibility for tracking and managing pending payments rests with you. Here's how to do it:

  1. In the left menu, click "Payment".

  2. In the list of payments, click the "More filter" button.

  3. In "Status", choose "Pending".

This allows you to view any payments that are still pending. You can check the date the payment link was sent to each customer. If payment has not been made within a reasonable time, you have several options:

  • You can remove the payment link. This may be necessary if the customer has changed their mind or the payment link has become outdated for some reason.

  • You can send a manual reminder to the customer to make payment. This could be an email, text message, or phone call, depending on what works best for your customer.

It is essential to do this monitoring regularly. If a customer ultimately decides not to make payment, you will need to delete the corresponding order. This will free up space in your activities for other customers. (See how to delete)

Overall, tracking payment links is an important part of running your business with This not only ensures sound financial management, but also ensures that your activity spaces are used optimally.

In the following articles, we will explore other important aspects of tracking and management with

Last updated