Payment in 3 installments without fees via Payline

Here's how it works:

  • Registration of payments: At the time of payment, three registrations are made in the cash register. The first takes place on the same day, and the other two follow each month, with an interval of one month between them. Payments are recorded at 0:00 a.m. on each due date.

  • Payment updates: The cash register record is updated on the day the payment is actually made by Payline. The schedule then changes to indicate the exact time of payment.

  • Risk of non-payment: The risk of non-payment is assumed by you. If the customer cancels his card in the event of loss or theft, the following installments cannot be made, and you will therefore not be paid. It is necessary to contact the customer to regularize the situation.

  • Checking deadlines: To check that all deadlines have been correctly made, you must compare the amount actually collected (on Yoplanning) with that on Payline. If the amount on Yoplanning is higher than that on Payline, this probably indicates that a deadline has not been honored. Notifications are also sent to report any anomalies by Payline. \

  • So it is very important to checkout daily.

Last updated


Vakario 2023