Update of January 15, 2024
What's New
Improved Search in Item List: The text search function now includes the "order_content.label", making it easier to locate specific items.
Excel Exports Enriched in Order and Item List: Exports now include the business introducer. If the business introducer represents a company, their company name will be displayed rather than their first and last name.
Referring Customer in Item List Excel Export: The referring customer is now added to the export. The term "customer" is renamed to "participant" for clarity.
Export Excel for Promo-Code: A new Excel export is available for promo-codes, simplifying management.
Online Payment via BE in Connected Mode : It is now possible to select "payment form" as a payment method, redirecting to an online payment.
Payment Button in Transactions: A "Pay" button is added on the "pending" payment link lines, facilitating transactions by counter staff to do a VAD over the phone for example.
Correct display in order PDF and ticket: The display of private sessions with removed participant has been corrected.
Select button in product list: Fixed "select" button not being activated after using promo-code-list.
View Button Visibility on Mobile in Lists: The "view" button is now visible on mobile devices.
Android Display Fix: Fixed display issues on the status bar and when reloading the app.
Mobile Improvements in Client-List: Fixed the add participant button and improved filters in mobile mode.
Improved Navigation with Order Update Pop-up: Optimized navigation when using the update pop-up.
Display Restriction in a session sheet: Staffs not displayed on the schedule will no longer be listed in the staff assignment options.
Rename in Staff Profile: "Show on schedule" is now renamed to "Has a line on the schedule", for a better understanding of the functionality.
Updated Filters in Article List: On first load, date filters now match the dates in the schedule.
New Organization in the item list: Display of the "main_client" under the order number, and the participant is moved to a new column.
Update to customer search in the article list: The drop-down list is replaced by text search, which now targets the Referring and Attending customers, (name/email).
These updates reflect our continued commitment to improving Yoplanning.pro for our users. We are committed to providing an optimal user experience and appreciate your feedback and suggestions. For any questions or additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support.
Last updated