FAQ: Using Webhooks in YoPlanning

YoPlanning, offers the use of webhooks, a powerful tool for information systems requiring automatic synchronizations or real-time updates.

What is a Webhook?

A webhook is a method for an application to send automatic information to other systems or applications in real time whenever an event occurs. Unlike traditional information retrieval methods that require periodic queries to check for changes, webhooks provide this data immediately, enabling rapid reaction to events.

Using Webhooks in YoPlanning

In YoPlanning, webhooks are particularly useful for information systems that manage orders or track customer information. They allow you to:

  • Synchronize Data: Ensure external systems remain in sync with current order status and customer information without requiring constant queries.

  • Track order status: Receive instant notifications when orders are created, modified or canceled, enabling responsive logistics management and customer service.

Limitations and Availability

It is important to note that YoPlanning webhooks have certain limitations. For example, they are only available for order and customer events. If you need to know changes to product or service availability, it is necessary to consult the YoPlanning API directly with the identifier of the product concerned.

How ​​to Access Webhooks?

Access and implementation of webhooks in YoPlanning are not automatic. They require a personalized approach and are handled on a case-by-case basis. To use this feature, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Motivational Request: Partners wishing to use webhooks must submit a motivated request to YoPlanning Support. This request should explain why webhooks are necessary for their information system and how they plan to use them. support@yoplanning.com

  2. Validation by YoPlanning: YoPlanning Support will review each request to ensure that it meets specific criteria and to determine whether the use of webhooks is justified.

  3. Configuration and Implementation: Once approved, partners will receive detailed instructions on configuring and implementing webhooks in their system. It will be necessary to provide a calling URL.

In conclusion

Webhooks offer an efficient solution for external information systems that need to retrieve either accounting information or customer data.

Last updated


Vakario 2023